Small Groups

     At this time, we only have these groups open or still going.  

FOSTER FRIDAY:  Meets every Friday from 1-4pm at Foster Community Center.  People work on their own projects and occasionally a group project.  Machines are welcome.  There is a drop-in fee of $5 and regular attenders pay $45 every 3 months.  Contact Jan Gagliano or Chelane Priller

LADY FINGERS:  Meets at Custom Quilts in Haslett.  Each person works on their own project.  Contact Char Ezell for time and other information.  

SCRAP FEVER:  Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month, Sept-June, at Foster Community Center from 7-8:30 in room 211.  Projects vary but mostly the group works on charity quilts.  Contact Cindy Mielock