If you have ever received an email from the CapitolCityQuiltGuild.org it indicates that we have your email address on file and, therefore,
we can send you a new password (to that email address). Simply enter the "usercode" portion of your email, click the box next to "CLICK To Receive a New Password"
and click Submit. We'll verify that the usercode matches the CCQG Membership List and send an initial password (you can change it later) to the email address.
NOTE: The usercode portion of your email address is the set of characters which fall before the @ sign. For example, if your email address is JohnSmith@aol.com, the usercode portion is "JohnSmith".
CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD: If you'd like to change your password, do the following:
- Sign into the website
- Click on the Members Only button in the heading.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will find a BLUE icon that says My Account and below that a link that says Change YOUR Password. Click on that link.
- Enter your new password (upper and lower case DO NOT MATTER) twice click the Submit button.
Assuming the passwords you entered match, you're all set. The NEXT time you sign-in you'll have to use the new password.