First Presbyterian Church, Holt
2021 Aurelius Road
(corner of Holt and Aurelius Roads)

Thursday, March 13

Date:  Second Thursday of each month
Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location:  â€‹Via Zoom    

Thursday, February 20

Date:  Third Thursday of each month
Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location:  Social Time Starts at - 6:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
(lower level-use the stairs or elevator)
510 W Ottawa St, Lansing, MI 48933    
Global Mending Traditions and 
Visible Mending Demonstration
Fat Chance:  Red 

Mystery Quilt
All 8 Months
on the Members Page

Like to become a member of the guild?  It's simple...

Click Here to switch to the Forms page where you can download the membership form (which shows the membership fee), print it, fill it out and bring it to the next guild meeting.

That's it!!

Spring Retreat
March 7-9, 2025
Theme: Down on the Farm

Questions? Sandy Guild or Laura Baert 
Interesting prizes this time!
Cost is $160.

2025 Quilt Show
Going to Pieces

Ingham County Fairgrounds
Main Arena
700 E Ash St,
Mason Michigan
Friday October 10, 2025 10am-4pm
Saturday October 11, 2025 10am-4pm

Click one of the pictures to see a show at SmugMug
October 2024
September 2024

Dear CCQG Members,

Happy 2025!  I hope this year brings you health, happiness & lots of quilting!  Be sure to join us in our UFO Challenge and get those quilts and projects finished!

Consider attending our Spring Retreat March 7-9th.  You can contact Sandy Guild or Laura Baert for more information.  The cost is $160.  This retreat is always enjoyable.  It's a great way to get to know other guild members better, enjoy delicious food, and get a lot of sewing accomplished.  Unfortunately, I will not be attending this year because I had already committed to another sewing retreat that was scheduled the same dates. I will miss you.

It's not too early to consider joining the 2024-2025 CCQG Board.  There are several positions available.  We meet once a month via ZOOM for an hour or less.  You can view the position descriptions on our website under the Member tab.  It doesn't require a lot of time or prior experience.  It just requires a willing heart.  It takes all of us working together to make our guild successful.  

"Live Life Like a Quilt" soft when its important, be warm when its cold, be proud to show your true colors, and always scrap together when times are tough.

Kathy Kittle
Madam President

Capitol City Quilt Guild (CCQG) was organized in March, 1984, to encourage fellowship, cooperation, and learning among area quilters and to promote public appreciation for creativity and high standards for quilting.  CCQG is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization giving to the community education, hosting quilt shows to spread the art of quilting.  The Guild members make and donate quilts for various charities and as well as provide free education seminars for the public on the art of quilting.

multi color stripe

Capitol City Quilt Guild
P.O. Box 26022
Lansing MI 48909

Please e-mail the Webmaster for any problems with the website or any questions: