Guild Programs

CCQG meetings are held every third Thursday of the month at the First Presbyterian Church, 510 W. Ottawa Street, Lansing, Mi. Social time begins at 6:30 PM and meetings start at 7:00 PM.

You may sign up for workshops at the PROGRAM TABLE at Guild meetings or contact the Program Chair. Unless otherwise noted, workshops are held at Country Stitches, 9am to 4pm. Cost for the workshops vary.

Refunds will only be granted for special reasons or if a waiting list for the class exists AND you can be replaced.
While people are free to go out for lunch, most people bring their lunch because there aren`t convenient places near by.

Upcoming Programs

Month Description
September 2011Romping Through the Decades
Presented by: Cindy Brick
Fads are a phenomenon centuries old…and quilting is no exception. View quilts and textiles dating from 1800 through the Bicentennial. Along the way, we`ll talk about each period`s favorite colors, patterns, fabrics and techniques, using a timeline handout to keep things tidy. We`ll also discuss what`s in quilting`s future.

Visit Cindy`s website Brickworks at

October 2011Jan Gagilano - Road to CaliforniaIn 2010, CCQG member Jan Gagliano took to the road on her bicycle, hoping to fulfill a long-held dream of riding across the USA. Accompanied by former guild member Irene Blanchard, who drove a SAG (Supplies & Gear) van, they traveled for four months and 3,000 miles. Jan will share photos and stories of her trip.

November 2011Small Groups
December 2011Holiday PartyBring a finger food to share...drinks will be provided

We`ll be playing "Quilto" (a quilting version of Bingo.)

Merry Christmas to all and to all a great night of fun!

January 2012Trunk Show with Sheila DeRoseIn 1996, Sheila took a class on Japanese Quilting, which began a love affair with Japanese fabric that hasn’t stopped blooming!

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012
Dragon of the Night
This is a dramatic 46” x 61" wall hanging with center medallion of the Ishi Guruma (stone cart). 
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2012
Ogi Wall hanging
“Ogi” is the Japanese word for fan, thus the three-fan wall hanging, 17 1/2” x 50”. In this workshop, you will learn a simple technique to make no-pin curves.
Kits will be available for both projects (but are not required) at a cost of $20 to $25.
Sheila advises members to bring a lunch if they would like to get more work done on their projects. Should be able to finish each wall hanging in the allotted class time.
Photos of the two projects: 

 Dragon of the Night Ogi Wall Hanging
 Dragon of the Night
Ogi Wall Hanging
February 2012Trunk Show and Workshops by Deb KarasikIn November, 2000, Deb got a call from her daughter saying she was pregnant with triplets. Deb picked up the quilting bug with a passion and joined her local guild, the San Francisco Quilters Guild. Now she quilts, teaches and writes professionally. She has written two books, with a third in the works.
Deb is a quilter, teacher and writer living in San Francisco, CA. She has written two books, with a third in the works.

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012
Look Ma, No Curves!
Saturday, Feb. 18, 2012, 
Batik Wheels 2.0

Visit Deb`s website at

March 2012Challenge Quilt Display and Heartwarmers Parade
April 2012Lecture/Trunk Show with Patti HempenPatti is a National and International quilting instructor, now residing at Canyon Lake, Texas. Colors, the brighter the better, are her love.
Friday, April. 20 and Saturday, April 21, 2012
Serendipity Wedges  
This is a beautiful, large kaleidoscope quilt that takes one to two days to learn.  
Skill level for Serendipity Wedges: Intermediate to advanced
Visit Patti’s website at

May 2012Quilting Outside the BoxOur speaker will be Eleanor Levie presenting “Quilting Outside the Box”. She has some fun ideas. Check out her website at! Workshop on Friday, May 18: Stretch-a-Block, Stretch the Imagination. We will have samples at upcoming meetings.  Great for using traditional blocks in new ways and “outside the box ideas”.  Detailed class info is included in the attached document.

attachment: Stretch-a-Block-flyer-2.pdf

June 2012Dan BurkeLecture and Trunk Show by our own Dan Burke, featuring 30 quilts by Dan, some using the paper piecing patterns by Jacqueline deJonge.  As most of you know, Dan’s quilts are fantastic and colorful.

Workshops (“BeColourul Quilts” will be held Friday and Saturday, June 22-23 on paper piecing patterns by Jacqueline deJonge.  A list of many patterns to choose from and samples of some will be available starting in March.  Also consider taking this class to finish up paper piecing UFOs!  Dan’s website is

July 2012Garage Sale and Guild Vendors
August 2012Edyta Sitar Speaker Edyta Sitar will present a lecture and trunk show on Scrappy Quilts.   Edtya will be teaching 2 workshops:
Friday, Aug 17 will be "paintings with fabrics", raw edge applique, kit will be Garden Trio, greenhouse version,  cost (kit and class) for members is $70
Saturday, Aug 18 is Broken Star Log Cabin, including a showing of her collection of  log cabin quilts, cost (kit and class) for members is $80. 

Website: (
September 2012Heartwarmers Parade and Whistle StopWhistle Stop (formerly known as Round Robin):  members give demos of handy ideas and techniques.  Also Heartwarmers Parade and collection.

October 2012Quilting in Detroit in the 1930’sBeth Donaldson will present a historical lecture on Quilting in Detroit in the 1930’s with a trunk show of some 1930’s quilts.

November 2012Bonnie Hunter LectureBonnie Hunter lecture with workshops November 18 and 19.  Bonnie is a nationally know columnist, author and lecturer, website:

December 2012Christmas Party
January 2013Lecture and workshops (Jan 18-19) by Pat Speth of Nickel Quilts.Pat Speth of Nickel Quilts fame will be our speaker in January.  Pat is a dynamic speaker and a very down-to-earth teacher with many ideas to share.  You will enjoy her classes and learn a LOT of great quilting tips.  She will present a lecture (Thursday, Jan. 17) on FABULOUS NICKEL BORDERS.   The lecture focuses on easy to piece borders that are made from 5" squares.  She will present a trunk show of many quilts with sample borders and will walk us through her method of "auditioning" borders.   On Friday, Jan. 18, she will present the workshop "Combination Units".  You can choose from six quilts:  Pinwheel or Labor Day Madness from her book Nickel quilts, Sugar Bowl (from More Nickel Quilts), Minnesota Windmill (Amazing Nickel Quilts), Liberty Star (Nickel Quilts and Borders), or Labor Day Stars (an individual pattern).  On Saturday, Jan. 19, she will present the workshop Pieced Borders the Nickel Quilt Way:  Jazz up your quilts by adding easy pieced borders.  Learn unit construction methods for several basic border units (half square triangles, flying geese, hourglass units, picket fence and more) and how to fit any pieced border to your quilt top.  All workshops will be held at the church for a cost of $40 each (members), $50 (non-members).  For more information and examples, see Pat`s website:

Attached is supply lists for the workshops:

Click here for Combination Units information

Click here for Pieced Borders the Nickel Quilt Way information

There are three sample pictures of the quilts:
Click here for a picture of the Pinwheel Quilt
Click here for a picture of the Labor Day Stars Quilt
Click here for a picture of the Liberty Star Quilt

February 2013Lecture by Coreen Strzalka and Vernita DaileyThread by Thread lecture by Coreen Strzalka and Vernita Dailey.  Dates to be announced.

March 2013Challenge Quilts and Heartwarmers Parade
April 2013GET READY for THE QUILT SHOWA fun and relaxing activity night

May 2013Capitol City Quilt Guild showMAY 4-5, 2013—Capitol City Quilt Guild show at the Best Western Plus (formerly Causeway Bay) Hotel and Conference Center.

June 2013Tim Latimer - Slideshow and Truck Show - $5.00 Guest Fee"Time Span Quilts: UFO to Heirloom

Lecture/trunk show consisting of a power point presentation showing the stages of work on various antique tops from start to finish, including repairs as needed, washing, batting, hand quilting, and finishing…followed by showing the actual finished quilt.  He also brings along other quilts for a trunk show.

Check out Tim`s blog

July 2013Garage Sale - Member Vendor NightMembers sell their wares, quilting or not, as well as quilting related items no longer deemed needed. Be sure to ask John to put you on the table list.

August 2013Whistle Stop demonstrations by members.Demonstrations by members for members on a variety of techniques or special gadgets.  There will be four stations with a different demo at each station.

September 2013Sue Nickols Sue Nickels will be doing a lecture and trunk show.  Lecture will be Machine Quilting for Today’s Quilts. 

Workshop Friday only - “Machine Stipple Quilting and Much More! 

Visit her website for more information.

October 2013Kathleen TracyLecture and class -  "A Little History of Quilting"  Takes quilters through different periods in American history showing examples of quilts with different styles and techniques.  

Kathleen has a website -

November 2013Kay NickolsKay will be presenting her "Three Trunk Shows in One" on Thursday evening, November 21, 2013.  Two classes are being offered.  Thursday November 21, 2013 will be the "Venetian Tiles aka Curved Piecing Without Pins Wallhanging".  Friday November 22, 2013 the class will be the "Wonderful 1 Fabric Curves".  Both classes will teach you how to piece curves without pins.  See Kay`s website at for additional information.  Classes will be at the church.  Pre-cut kits are available for each class for $20.00. 

December 2013Christmas PartyThe theme is "Share, Share, Share, and Share".  Share food with your fellow guild members by bringing something for our potluck.  Finger foods suggested.  Share your quilts with other during Show and Tell.  Share food with the greater Lansing Community by bringing something for the food drive.  Share your unloved, unused quilting items in an auction to benefit the Greater Lansing Foodbank.  The guild will also be matching the auction proceeds up to $200.00.  Contact John at if you have questions. 

January 2014Beth DonaldsonBeth will be do a trunk show and power point lecture on Pieced Borders.  Half-day classes on Pieced Borders will be scheduled on Friday, January 17th and Saturday January 18th, 2014 if there is enough demand. During the class you will learn to design pieced borders.  You may bring a top to the class as your design project.  I would like to schedule 15 students for each class.  Class fee will be $20.00.  Classes to be held at the church.

February 2014Coleen MertteLecture and trunk show. No classes. Coleen Merte is a quilter, pattern designer and quilting instructor. Her lecture will be a display of her quilts while she shares quilting tips, inspiration behind the designs as well as ideas on how you might create your own designs. is her website. Please visit for additional information.

Non-guild members may attend the lecture by paying the $5.00 guest fee or with a member-provided guest pass.

March 2014Challenge Quilts and Heartwarmers Parade
March 2014Member`s Garage Sale
April 2014Gwen MarstonGwen Marston Gwen will present her lecture and trunk show on Abstract Quilts in Solids. A recently developed program by Gwen. Gwen is a very entertaining speaker and I am sure the lecture will be of great interest.

Class on Friday April 18, 2014 will be Abstract Quilts in Solids.

Class on Saturday April 19, 2014 will be Liberated Baskets. Some of you may recall the special exhibit at the 2012 AQS Show in Grand Rapids featuring Liberated Basket Quilts created by Gwen and her students.

Each class will be 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Cost is $45.00 for guild members and $55.00 for non-members. Payable when you put your name on the list. Contact John Putnam for additional information.

Classes will be held at the Ramada Inn on West Saginaw at Canal Road.

May 2014Suzi Parron from Stone Mountain, GAIn May we have Suzi Parron from Stone Mountain, GA to speak on her book "Barn Quilts and the American Quilt Trail Movement".

June 2014Linda McGibbon and Leslie Peterson from Lakeview Quilting in Midland, MILinda and Leslie will have a trunk show and on Friday we will have two three hour workshops. In the morning we will do Spectrum, an applique quilt which may be used as a wall hanging or made into a larger quilt (kits will be available or use your own fabric).  The second class is in the afternoon and it will be a wool applique class.

July 2014Guild Garage SaleMembers will be able to sell their wares at the guild garage sale.  Please notify the program chair if you will need a table (there is no fee for a table).

August 2014Whistle Stop demonstrationsGuild members will demonstrate techniques and projects.  There will be 4 whistle stop stations with 15-minute demonstrations at each one.

September 2014Heartwarmers quilts and presentation by Steve Cooper Steve is a local machine repairman.  He will be speaking on machine maintenance and answer questions on common problems.

October 2014Ann Loveless will give a lecture/trunk showAnn won the Grand Rapids Art Prize in 2013, the first quilt that has won the overall prize.  She will also conduct a 3-hour class on Friday “Confetti”.  Her website is  Class signup will begin at the July guild meeting.

November 2014Karen Duling will give a lecture/trunk showKaren specializes in Dog quilts and has recently published a book of patterns.  She has promised to give equal time to both cats and dogs.  Her website is

December 2014A time for sharing. Our annual Christmas PartyOur annual Christmas Party will feature a potluck. A food drive and an auction to benefit the Greater Lansing Food bank will also be part of the program.  We will be donating non-perishables, checks or money to the Food Bank as well.

January 2015Laurie Simpson of Minick and Simpson
Laurie Simpson lives in Ann Arbor and with her sister, Polly Minick of Florida, the team designs fabric and patterns.  Their website is 
Although Laurie will not be able to offer a workshop she will be bringing 7 suitcases of quilts to show us!  

It is exciting to be able to have her as our lecture in January.
February 2015Donna Kooistra of Heirloom Appraisals.Donna is a quilt appraiser and judge.  She will make a presentation “You be the Judge”.  She will also be available for quilt appraisals.  She has taught and appraised at Grand Rapids and was co-chair of the judging room at Shipshewanna.  Her website is

March 2015Challenge quilts and Heartwarmers quilts
April 2015Beth Markel will be giving a lecture/ trunk showBeth is a modern quilter and fiber artist.   In 2013 she won Best Wall Quilt at the Grand Rapids show.  She will be conducting a workshop “Introduction to Abstract, Breaking Boundaries”.  Her website is

May 2015Quilters Without BordersPresented by Maggie Ball of Dragonfly Quilts. She lives on Bainbridge Island WA and has built a relationship with women in Mongolia, teaching/encouraging quilting as a means of self-sufficiency. Workshop on Friday for her quilt: Gateway to Mongolia. Photos available at
September 2015Whistle StopWhistle stop format with demos on wool applique, quilt as you go, binding and rag rugs
October 2015Post Quilt Show Celebrations, Heartwarmers, Fabric Sale to benefit the Guild
November 2015Longarmology- the science behind the magic
The LALA small group (Lansing area long armers) will be giving an in depth presentation about working with your longarm quilter. They will discuss prepping your quilt and backing, batting types, quilting types, what to do and what not to do with your quilt.  The program will include a video/photo presentation as well as quilt samples.
December 2015Holiday Celebration and Auction for Greater Lansing Food Bank
January 2016Challenge Quilt- bring your completed quilt made with the theme of "Quilt That Tune"
Pick a song title for theme of your challenge quilt. Any song from any type of music, just don`t use actual words on the front of your quilt
Top 8 quilts selected at this meeting will be submitted to AQS.
February 2016Frieda Anderson
Hand dyed fabrics and fusible patterns

Lecture: `Fabric To Dye For`

  Friday, Feb 19 - "Laughing Leaves" Class Fee $45 plus kit fee of $25
  Saturday, Feb 20 - "Deluth Trees" Calss Fee $45 plus kit fee $35
Money is due by January guild meeting

February 2016Laura Heine of Billings, MontanaExtended stay that will include 4 days of workshops, possibly including a 2-day workshop
March 2016Bonnie Hunter

We are excited to welcome Bonnie back to CCQG

  Friday March 18 - Scrappy Bargello" 
  Saturday, March 19 - "Cathedral Stars" 


Supply list for Friday workshop Scrappy Bargello is here:

Be sure to also print out a copy of the pattern here:  
Please bring lots of strips so we can swap and share !

Supply list for Saturday workshop is here: and the pattern to print is here:

Workshops are at the Okemos Masonic Center. 2175 Hamilton Rd.  Doors will be open at 9 a.m., parking and entrance are behind the building. There will be 1 community ironing station, and 1 large cutting mat to share. There is a refrigerator we can use. 

Thank you,
Lisé Dibert
April 2016Heartwarmers & Elections
Community Service Spotlight

Heartwarmers and other charitable projects by guild members well be featured 

Sign Up for May Workshops with Sally Manke 

Friday May 19, Confetti Landscape Art Quilts $45 plus $5 material fee - full day class 

Saturday May 20, Precise Piping Technique $30 plus $5 material fee half day class plus one hour demo on "What`s In My Toolbox"

May 2016Lecture and Trunk Show by Sally MankeWill lecture on tools and offer a workshop.

Friday May 19, Confetti Landscape Art Quilts $45 plus $5 material fee - full day class 

Saturday May 20, Precise Piping Technique $30 plus $5 material fee half day class plus one hour demo on "What`s In My Toolbox"

June 2016Nancy McNally Lecture "What Was I Thinking" workshops 

July 2016Member`s Garage SaleMember/Vendor Sale - members may reserve a table to sell items to other members - Library will have books for sale

August 2016Laura Heine of Billings, Montana

Classes will take place on Monday-Thursday (August 15th-18th, 2016) BEFORE the monthly meeting

Two - one day and One - two day workshop
Laura uses fusible techniques to create collage quilts
Each workshop will have several specific kits to choose from
Participants will need to purchase kits in advance and DO NOT START kits prior to class

More details to follow...... contact program chair if interested in class

Laura will present a lecture and trunk show at Thursday evening guild meeting on August 18

September 2016Heartwarmers Parade/Member Demos
Member Demos including specialty rulers, die cut machine and "InkLingo"
October 2016Carol Loessel
Friday October 21 - Pieceful Pines $45 plus $6 pattern fee

Saturday October 22 - Holiday Table Runner and Place Mats (half day class) $30 plus $6 pattern fee.

Pieceful Pines Workshop - Needs List: Click Here 

Holiday Table mat and Runner Workshop - Needs List: Click Here

November 2016Community Service Sew-In
December 2016Holiday Celebration
January 2017Debbie Grifka of Eschhouse Quilts
Speaker: Debbie Grifka of Eschhouse Quilts (
Topic: Lines to Design
No workshops
February 2017Challenge Quilt Presentation
March 2017Heartwarmer Parade and Quilt Show Pep Rally
April 2017CCQG Election
April 2017Beth Donaldson Lecture
Beth Donaldson presents the lecture, "Michigan Quilters and Quilt Collectors".  Beth will have a power point lecture and encourages members to bring old quilts from their collection or family for a special show and tell after the lecture.

Please joins us for this lecture by our fellow CCQG member.
May 2017Beth Donaldson Lecture
Beth Donaldson presents the lecture, "Michigan Quilters and Quilt Collectors".  Beth will have a power point lecture and encourages members to bring old quilts from their collection or family for a special show and tell after the lecture.

Please joins us for this lecture by our fellow CCQG member.
June 2017Nancy Mahoney (
Author, teacher and fabric designer, Nancy Mahoney has enjoyed making quilts for over 25 years and has authored 14 books. She will give a lecture to the Guild on June 15 and will have workshops on Friday, June 16 and Saturday, June 17. Topics are being finalized so watch for more details.

Paper piecing pattern is included in the class fee.  Supply lists are downloadable below.

Supply Lists
Dancing Dots, Friday, June 16 
Summer Heat, Saturday, June 17

July 2017Annual Garage Sale
Members may sell their quilt related and other items.  If you would like a table and have not asked for one, please contact the Program Chair for reservations.  

September 2017Karen Combs (
She will present a trunk show and lecture on Thursday, with workshops at Country Stitches on Friday and Saturday.  Her trunk show and lecture will be "Quilts of Illusion".  She will have some items for sale including fabric for her Friday workshop as well as a book no longer in print.

Karen is a native of Michigan and was a member of CCQG. She is an author, teacher and fabric designer. Karen is intrigued with quilts of illusions and has been designing quilts with a 3-D look for years.  Her website is

Sign ups continue for her workshops.  Both workshops are open for non-guild members with an additional $10.00 charge.

Friday, September 22, "Chip out of Every Block".  The fee is $45.00.  Click Here for the supply list.

Saturday, September 23, "Celtic Illusions".  The fee is $45.00.  Click Here for the supply list.  

Both workshops will be held at Country Stitches from 9am-4pm.  After unloading your things for the class, please park away from the entrances to allow customers closer access.  Thank you.
October 2017Heartwarmer`s ParadeOur October meeting will feature "Heartwarmer`s Parade" and last minute details regarding the Quilt Show.

November 2017Annual AuctionThis year it will be a 50/50 auction with half of the proceeds going to the Greater Lansing Food Bank and the other half going to CCQG.  Please bring quilt-related items to be auctioned and remember this is a fundraiser, so be generous in your bidding.  You must pay for the items you win at the time of the auction, so bring cash or your checkbook, no exceptions! 

December 2017Holiday PartyWe will have our Holiday Party with time to visit, "Quilto" and door prizes.  Please bring finger food for sharing snacks.  The Guild will provide water, plates and napkins. 

January 2018Round Robin With 3-4 different stations. Everyone will get a number when the arrive and they change stations as a group when the whistle blows. It should be fun and a way to learn something new.

February 2018Types of Foundation Piecing by Dan Burke
Dan`s background is given, a brief history of Foundation Piecing, a show-and-tell of the types of media used to foundation piece, such as:  
a.  Tissue paper
b.  Freezer paper
c.  Newsprint
d.  20 pound paper (regular old copy paper)
e. Interfacing
f.  Coffee filters

g.  Velum

A show of approximately 
40 quilts.

March 2018Guild Challenge quilt revealsThis year`s challenge is `The Great CCQG Bake-off`. Your quilt must be related to a baking idea with the size of 36x48 inches. If we get 8 entries, we will enter as a group to the Grand Rapids AQS Guild challenge.
April 2018Election of the new boardElection of our new board and a presentation by a featured small group. Please consider being on the board as it is a way to meet new people in the Guild.
May 2018Lenore Crawford
Lenore Crawford, Michigan award winning quilter, presenting a lecture at our Guild meeting and workshops on Friday and Saturday. The lecture on May 17 will be "Fusing, Fabric Painting, and Stitching to Create Your Own Art Quilt". The Friday (May 18th) workshop will be "Fusing and Fabric Painting to Create Realistic Fabric Art" and the Saturday (May 19th) workshop will be "Myra`s Window Boxes". The workshops will be held at Country Stitches from 9 am to 4 pm. Lenore`s website address is Her quilt "Emma" won 1st place in the Movable Machine Quilted category at the 2017 Grand Rapids AQS show. 

Click Here for the Supplies List for May 18 Fusing/Fabric Painting Workshop
Click Here for the FABRIC REQUIREMENTS for May 18 Fusing/Fabric Painting Workshop
Click Here for the Supplies List for May 19 Myra`s Window Boxes Workshop
June 2018Debra Richmond Lecture and DemonstartionDebra Richmond will be giving a lecture and demonstrating several quilting gadgets that will be available for purchase during the meeting.

July 2018Karen Brow Lecture and WorkshopKaren Brow is giving a lecture during the 7/19 meeting and one workshop on Saturday July 21st. 
The workshop is for a wall hanging of her Newly Hatched pattern. The workshop fee is $45 and will be held at Country Stitches from 9 am - 4 pm. Karen will have a limited number of wall hanging kits made from Hoffman Fabrics for $24.95 (plus tax). If interested in purchasing a wall hanging kit, please indicate that when you sign up for the workshop. Sign-up began on 4/19 and will also be available during the May and June Guild meetings.
Click Here for a flyer on Newly Hatched Applique Secrets! by Karen Brow-Meier, Java House Quilts 
Click Here for the Workshop Supply List and Instructions 

August 2018Garage SaleCCQG Member and Garage Sale where members can bring their items for sale and sell to other members. We will also invite other local quilt Guilds. 
September 2018Heartwarmers ParadeBeth Donaldson speaking about Quilts and Health and the Teal Quilt Project and Small Talk

October 2018On My Way to BaltimoreLinda Theifoldt from the Quilted Goose will provide a lecture "On my Way to Baltimore"

November 2018Guild Auction - featuring Bonnie Bus as the AuctioneerPlease donate your gently used, or new unused quilting supplies, UFOs, fabrics, books etc. to support the Greater Lansing Food Bank and the CCQG Guild

December 2018Holiday CelebrationHoliday finger-food pot luck and Fat Quarter Exchange game.

Please bring three Fat Quarters for the Fat Quarter Exchange game.
January 2019Kathyrn Groves from Brighton Kathyrn will give a Quiltworx lecture and trunk show, with Judy Niemeyer patterns for sale.

Visit Kathryn's website at
February 2019Bonnie Bus Presents...Bonnie Bus will present a lecture on 1930`s quilting and quilts.
March 2019Guild Challenge QuiltHeartwarmers Parade and CCQG Guild Challenge Quilt.  The 2019 Guild Challenge Quilt will be Birds and the Bees. Finished quilt size is 36 x 36. The quilts must be completed and brought to the March, 2019 Guild meeting for display and voting.  
April 2019Debbie Grifka Presents...Debbie Grifka will present a lecture entitled Lines to Design.

Visit Debbie at Esch House Quilts (
May 2019Greg Barner Presents...Greg Barner will present a lecture/trunk show

Visit Greg's website at

June 2019Mary HertelMary Hertel will be our guest, providing a lecture entitled Paper Piecing and Fabric Selection
July 2019Annual Guild Member Vendor/Garage SaleAnnual Guild Member Vendor/Garage Sale. Members can reserve a table to sell quilting related or other items (i.e., honey, soaps, etc.)
August 2019Lynn Carson-Harris presents Do it for the ProcessLynn Carson-Harris will be giving a lecture "Do it for the Process." Lynn will share some of her quilts and talk about her journey from the first quilt she made as a teenager in 1976 to her current work. She has found that the steps of making a quilt are often more meaningful to her than the completed quilt. Focusing on the creative process rather than the finished product allows her time in the studio to be filled with play and discovery.
September 2019Heartwarmers Parade
October 2019Gundrun Erla from GE DesignsAttendees will need to purchase the book for the class they wish to take. Lupine and Aurora are in the Quilts of Iceland book, and Crooked Patch and Stella are in Stripology Mixology. Country Stitches will have some books, the books can be ordered online at GE Designs Website: and Gudrun will have them available during the workshop.

Supply Lists: QOI Lupine  Aurora Supply Lists
                     Crooked Patch Stella Supply Lists

Gundrun Erla from GE Designs, lecture and two classes.
  • The workshops will be on Friday October 18th and Saturday October 19th at Country Stitches.  Cost of each workshop is $45.  Sign up sheets are available at meetings.
  • The Friday workshop features your choice between two patterns - Stella or Crooked Patch. Note that the Stella pattern is Layer Cake (10 inch precut squares) friendly and the Crooked Patch pattern is Jelly Roll (2 1/2 inch strips) friendly, so this is perfect to use some of those precuts you have! If you don't have precuts that is no problem!
  • The Saturday workshop features your choice between two patterns - Aurora and Lupine. Both of these quilts were inspired by Gudrun's home Country - Iceland.
Scanned pictures of the four patterns are included below - Supply lists for these classes, will be provided as soon as they become available.

October 2019Ruth Ann Berry with The Quilters Clinic
Picture of Penny Sempert

Ruth Ann`s Bio:
Ruth Ann Berry is the author of "Bargello Quilts in Motion", C&T Publishing 2014, "Braided Bargello", C&T Publishing 2017, Simplified 3D Quilts, self published 2018, Stunning 3D Quilts Simplifed, C&T Publishing 2020 and over 50 quilt patterns available at major distributors. She owns and operates a small-town quilt store and online business, the "Quilter`s Clinic" and travels extensively to exhibit and teach at guilds and festivals.

Ruth Ann`s Presentation/Trunk Show
Will be a 45 to 60 minute presentation  Ruth Ann brings about 50 quilts total, in three different styles: Bargello, 3D and Stacked Frames. She gives a brief history and explanation of the design process and demonstrates the construction techniques for each style. She brings her books, patterns and kits for sale. Ruth Ann`s work can be viewed at

Greg Barner will be teaching a class on One Block Wonders on Friday, January 17, 2020 at Country Stitches.  Greg did a trunk show last May for our guild  There was an overwhelming interest in bringing him back to teach a class!

Please contact Kathy Kittle to sign up for this class at

One Block Wonders: For a One Block Wonders workshop, Greg supplies fabric requirements and provides the book "One Block Wonders" for sale for $20 to be used in the class. He can also bring optional $70 kits which include the book and a variety of fabric choices. This workshop uses a 60° ruler.

November 2019Guild AuctionThe guild auction will be held at the November meeting. Half of proceeds will go to the Lansing food bank and half to the guild. Bring kits, quilting items, and/or fabric packs. No patterns, magazines, or books. A brief description of item is very helpful.

December 2019Holiday Party
Library Amnesty Night
Bring finger food to share and eight (8) 2 1/2" strips for games.
January 2020Mary and Kate Edgar - 19th Century quiltsOur very own members, Mary and Kate Edgar, are going to do a trunk show on 19th Century quilts at the guild meeting. No class on Friday January 17.
February 2020Susan Kruszynski (landscape artist) from Muskegon - "story quilts"

May 2020Program Cancelled
June 2020Program Cancelled
July 2020Heartwarmers Parade & Guild Challenge Quilt Judging & Election of Officers
August 2020CANCELLED - Small Group Presentations
September 2020CANCELLED - Heartwarmers Parade

Rossie Hutchinson from Rossie Crafts


Picture of Rossie Hutchinson from Rossie Crafts

October 2020CANCELLED - Susan Cleveland - Lecture & full day class at Country Stitches


November 2020CANCELLED - CCQG Auction - Proceeds will go to the Lansing Food Bank & CCQG
December 2020CANCELLED - CCQG Holiday Party
April 2021Parking Lot Social Meeting (outdoors and social distanced)
Thursday, April 15th at 7p.m. It will be in the parking lot of the First Presbyterian Church (our usual meeting place), outdoors and socially distanced. There will be no business meeting, and no organized program/speaker. Bring your show and tell quilts, bring your lawn chair, bring your mask if you are wearing one. Some members are now comfortable, having had their series of COVID vaccines, with dispensing with masks while outside and distancing. Everyone is encouraged to find their own comfort level in terms of distancing, masking and attending as well as respecting others` preferences for distancing and masking. We will also be relying on common sense in terms of the weather – if it is pouring rain, the meeting will not happen.
October 2021First meeting back in the building
  1. Masks are mandatory. This is a requirement of the church. There will be disposable masks at the check in table if you forget to bring one. No one will be allowed in the room without a mask. And I am sure I don’t have to say this, but the masks must be worn to cover your mouth and nose at all times, and must be of non-sheer fabric. Don’t even think you are going to get past the door in a mesh mask or other such nonsense. There will also be hand sanitizer available at the meeting.
  2. Wear a nametag!  Since we will all be hiding half our faces behind our masks, it could be difficult to tell who is who! The guild has had a practice of nametags for some time, but we seem to have fallen away from doing so. Let’s get back into the habit of nametags. This is a chance to show off your skills at embroidery or miniature sewing and other hand skills. Or you can be like me, and wear a name tag from some other function. They are all good, but please, wear one!
  3. Guild Challenge Bring your  ‘Fly, Quilters, Fly’ challenge quilts for the display and voting. They will be displayed anonymously for the voting. There will be prizes for the top 3 favorites ($40 / $30 / $20)
  4.  Holiday Bear and Doll distribution This is the month that we will have the bears and dolls available for dressing. They will need to be returned at the November meeting.
  5. Library Books! Please bring back any outstanding library books for return. We will not have the library open for the first meeting, due to staffing issues. We will address some needed library changes at the meeting.
  6. Guild Dues if you need to pay your dues, you may do so at the meeting. If you did not recently receive an email from Jan Gagliano about paying dues, then you are current. At this point, dues are half price for the rest of the  year. Any questions, see the membership folks at the meeting.
  7. Assistant Library chair and assistant Program chair We need to fill these positions now, or we will have no Library chair or Program chair next spring. Come join the fun in helping run your guild.
  8. Put on your thinking caps for recruitment While an accurate membership count may take a few months of meetings to settle out, we expect that our numbers will be down from pre-pandemic. This is an area the board wants to address, probably after the first of the year, to reach more quilters and spread the joy of quilting. Think about what would make you want to join us, and be ready with ideas when the time comes! 
November 2021Videos by Jackie O`Brien
 We will collect the dressed dolls and bears for delivery to the Salvation Army.
We will have the theme of Kaleidescope / One Block Wonder / Stack-n-Whack patterns.  We will collectively watch the tutorial videos by Jackie O`Brien.  Members who have completed and in-progress projects of this nature will bring their projects in for display and we will do Q & A.    
December 2021Holiday party (No Food)
Brown Bag Exchange.  To participate, bring an item of value from $10 - $20 in a brown bag.  Tape or staple the bag closed.

We will draw for the Board Quilt.
February 2022Lecture / Demo by Nancy Roelfsema.Nancy, coming to us from the Grand Rapids area, has authored 3 books and has a popular YouTube channel, OnPoint-TV & Quilting with Nancy.  She will be giving a lecture on creating custom fabrics with mono-printing.  

There will be 2 fat chances. Dots and Red.

March 2022Bring in your charity quilts for a parade and collection.
Also, bring in the oldest quilt you have made that you can still get your hands on for a special Show & Tell.     

April 2022Board Elections and video demonstration on Double Wedding Ring construction.
May 2022Concert by Ann Marie Rowland.
Ann Marie is a singer / songwriter and columnist of Michigan Girl - Dirty Knees - The Apologetic Chef.  You can find her on the web at     

June 2022Lecture by Pepper Cory.
Pepper is a lifetime member of our guild.  She was here at the beginning and has been back again and again since her move to North Carolina. This trip she is going to give a lecture on scrap quilting with a Japanese flavor.

Class at Country Stitches:  It`s a Wrap!

Friday, June 17, Pepper will be teaching an all-day class on sashiko stitching in the first half and then turning that into a furoshiki (wrap) in the second half.  See the two attached images of a demo wrap and a wrapped bundle.

Sign-up starts at the April Guild meeting. The class is $70 plus $25 for the kit. Contact Pepper if you have questions:

July 2022Member Garage SaleAnnual Member Garage Sale. The meeting attendees (the first 100) will receive a coupon for use at the garage sale, to be used at one vendor only, and will be worth up to $2.00 at that vendor.
August 2022Whistle Stop programThere will be several tables around the room where members will demonstrate different techniques and tips to all the other members at the meeting. If you have an idea/tip that you could demonstrate, please contact Adrienne Scherer or Peg Stiffler to be a part of that meeting.
September 2022Challenge Quilt Judging and Heartwarmers Parade.
October 2022Show and Tell—Fall and Halloween Quilts, plus Dolls and Bears distribution.
November 2022Auction. Start gathering your donations (quilt-related items only please).
December 2022Holiday Party & Gift Swap. As in the past, quilt-related gifts are brought to the meeting in bags. Value range will be announced later.
January 2023
Ugliest Quilt Competition
Winner receives a crown to wear for a whole year.
Show & Tell Theme: Bring your quilted crafts: postcards, bags, coats
February 2023

Member Spotlight: Jan Asmann will be having a Trunk Show.

Guild Challenge Quilt Announcement

Draw 4 winners from Novi Expo Raffle

Show & Tell theme: Love and Hearts

March 2023

Heartwarmers Parade

Member Spotlight: Jan Asmann will be having a Trunk Show.

Signup will be available for the July Member Garage Sale

Show & Tell Theme: Seeing Green

April 2023

Board Elections

Small Group Presentation

Signup will be available for the July Member Garage Sale in July and Whistlestop Activities in June and August

Show & Tell Theme: Think Spring

May 2023

Member Spotlight: Jan Gagliano will be having a Trunk Show with an emphasis on design.

Signups will be available for the Member Garage Sale in July and Whistlestop Activities in June and August

Show & Tell Theme: Your favorite pattern or block

June 2023

Quilt Show Boutique Whistlestop: seeking volunteers to demonstrate small items we can make for the show

Show & Tell Theme: Applique/Embroidery/Embellishments

Signups will be available for the Member Garage Sale in July and Whistlestop Activity in August

Side Bonus Activity: Guild Garage Sale to the Public, details TBD

July 2023Annual Guild Member’s Garage Sale: Members will be selling quilt/fabric items or any other items (candles, makeup, homegoods etc) they would like to sell to other members. 

Show & Tell Theme: Christmas in July/Your favorite tools
August 2023

Whistlestop Demonstrations: seeking 3-4 participants to share a technique or tool

Orphan Block Activity

Show & Tell Theme: Stars

(Possible Extra Assistant Needed)


September 2023Heartwarmers Parade and Challenge Quilt Presentation: Reinterpret a Classic Painting

Announcement of Bingo Blocks for Holiday Party

Show & Tell Theme: Panels

October 2023

Distribution of Dolls & Bears

Member Spotlight: Liz Cardinal will be having a Trunk Show

Show & Tell Theme: Halloween

November 2023

Collection of Dolls & Bears and the CCQG Board Houses Quilt will be raffled (must be present to win!)

Guild Auction; bring kits, quilting items and fabric. Bundling items is always appreciated. No patterns, books or magazines. A brief description would be helpful!

December 2023

Holiday Party - Quilt Block Bingo and other quilt themed games with prizes,

Optional: bring finger foods (1 dozen) to share, bottled water will be provided

(Extra Assistant Needed)

January 2024Ugliest Quilt Competition

Winner receives a crown from last year’s winner (Billie!) to wear for a whole year.
February 2024Art Quilts Trunk Show

Presented by guild members Peg Arnold, Cindy Mielock and Peg Stiffler. They have been making traditional and art quilts for hundreds of years. They will show beautiful pieces of art as well as discuss techniques and unique materials.


March 2024Celebrate CCQG’s 40th Anniversary and National Quilt Day Show & Tell Bring your stories to share with members about your time in the guild, we are celebrating 40 years together this month. There will be birthday treats to share! Also bring items you made during National Quilt Day for a special show & tell! We will also have the HeartWarmers Parade!
April 2024Board Elections and presentation from Lianne WendlingElections for the new board and presentation from Lianne Wendling, owner of Diamonds in the Rough quilt shop is coming from Pinconning to explain the All Michigan Shop Hop. 

She is bringing ShopHop magazines which has maps, patterns etc.

She will also be bringing: 
  • extra magazines with gifts
  • Large shopping bags $3 each
  • Project bags $2 each
  • Passport bags $1 each (included if they buy the magazine from me)
  • Shop Hop kits $15 each
  • The Special Shop Hop Fabrics

The Shop Hop Kit is:

  • A project bag
  • quilt pattern for the Shop Hop squares
  • a full check list of the shops that is not provided in the magazine. 
  • Daisy case filled with 75 safety pins.  Goes with Quilt instructions for the Shop squares

BONUS- When you buy the Kit,  you can get the electronic copy of this list.  Links take you right to

.. Google or Apple maps per Shop
.. website per Shop
.. Facebook Group per Shop

She will also be doing several Giveaways!

Preferred payment methods:   
Cash, but she will take CashApp, Venmo, Zelle and checks
She can take debut and credit cards too, but prefers the other methods listed.

May 2024Presenter Deb Gorman from The Quilt Factory

Deb Gorman will be discussing the creative process about how patterns make it from design to production to sell. She will bring patterns to sell to members. 
The Quilt Factory offers patterns with easy to follow, detailed instructions, diagrams and tips to make your creative journey a pleasant one.

Show and Tell Theme: Spring is Blooming!: Quilts with Flowers

June 2024Jackie Lehto, Trunk Show & Lecture    [GENERAL MEETING]Jackie Lehto has quilted for 25 years, teaching hundreds of quilters through camps, classes and junior and senior high schools. She will share her quilts, which display a wide array of styles from traditional to modern, and realistic to abstract. They all have one thing in common, however – a display of her love of color!

Show and Tell Theme: Red, White & Blue and Patriotic Quilts   PDF Flyer
Workshop Class: Color Theory: Exploring Color in Quilt Making, with Jackie Lehto
JUNE 21, Friday, 10a-4p, $50
            LOCATION: Consumers Credit Union, Cedar Event Room, 6935 S. Cedar St, Lansing MI 48911
            BRING A SNACK to share for lunch
Sign up at the May meeting or send form with check payable to CAPITAL CITY QUILT GUILD by June 14, to ensure receipt: Jolee Hamlin, ATTN: CCQG, 2813 Greenbriar Ave, Lansing MI 48912

July 2024April Anue Shipp, Lecture & Trunk ShowApril Shipp’s work recently was featured as part of the Afrofuturism & Quilts exhibitions at both the MSU Broad Museum and the MSU Union. A native of Detroit, April is an interdisciplinary fiber artist featured throughout Detroit TV and radio, and at innumerable museums and galleries nationwide. You will find her work to be spell-binding!

Show and Tell Theme: Appliqué
August 2024Take home project: Designing mini quilts for Dolls & Bears activity coming in OctoberWe will be using orphan blocks and assorted fabrics to design mini quilts during the meeting. Please bring batting in the size of your mini quilt or a towel to roll up your design to take home (suggested size: fat 1/2 yard - 25”x36”)

Machines not necessary, we will take these home to finish
September 2024We will have our Heartwarmers parade! Bring your charity quilts for the parade and collectionIn September we always have our guild quilt challenge, well this year’s challenge is a bit different. Adrienne, the past Program Chair, is shaking things up one last time! 
The challenge theme this year is "Every Member Makes A Block!” 

Members will be given 4” of purple fabric to make one 6.5” block that represents themself and/or the guild. As we celebrate the guild turning 40, we will use these blocks to create a 40th anniversary quilt top. The goal is that all active members make a block for this quilt top. To create some cohesion, Adrienne is providing light purple and dark purple fabrics to help members make their blocks.

*Any members not in Michigan that want to participate, email Adrienne and she will mail you a fabric square.

If everyone participates, we could have over 100+ blocks to make one pretty amazing quilt or two! Everyone will be winner!!

The challenge rules are pretty simple:
    1. 1 - 6.5” block per guild member
    2. Take home the 4” purple square, add some of your favorite fabric and get creative! Sky’s the limit!
        a. Use the 4” of purple fabric to create a 6.5” block
        b. Make your block uniquely “You”
    3. Bring back your 6.5” block to the September meeting

During the meeting, we will be sharing our blocks and adding them to a design wall. We will also have a special presentation by guild member Billie Piazza.

Side Activity: Guild garage sale to the public, first weekend in September. Please bring quilt/fabric items to Jean Kaufmann.

Show & Tell Theme: Heartwarmer Parade & Challenge Block - Quilt Top Design
October 2024Presenter: Shae Vaughn, quilt historian and owner of Stitchery Niche QuiltingShae Vaughn will look at how quilts fit into history and why antique quilts are so important. She will offer a trip down memory lane, sharing her own collection of historical quilts and how quilts have changed in color, pattern and technique over the decades.

Distribution of Dolls & Bears to dress for Salvation Army.
** Reminder: to start finishing your mini quilt for your Doll or Bear!

Show & Tell Theme: Fall Quilts
November 2024Bring back your Doll or Bear and mini quilt. Our annual auction.Our annual auction: bring complete quilts, quilting items and fabric! Bundling items and a brief description is always appreciated. No patterns, books or magazines. Half of the proceeds support our Greater Lansing Food Bank!

Show & Tell Theme: Good Things Come in Small packages (wall-hanging or ‘small’ quilt)
December 2024Holiday Party, &  Mug Rug & Notion ExchangeEveryone is encouraged to make a Mug Rug for a Secret Santa style gift exchange. Bring your Mug Rug in a paper bag with a favorite notion, fabric or other quilting favorite as a gift. Estimated value of ~$20.
ALSO — Join in on the fun by dressing for the “Best Holiday Outfit Contest” – you define BEST!

Show & Tell Theme: All Creatures Great & Small: Quilts with animals and spotlighting living creatures
January 2025
Member to Member Garage Sale
Bring UFOs to Share
Member to Member Garage Sale –Bring items to sell at this fun, annual event. Quilting related and items pertaining to creative outlets are most appreciated. Sign up is helpful but not required. Send details to Jolee Hamlin at or text 517.974.9020.

Also in January, bring a UFO (or two… or three!) to share during a special Show & Tell. Get motivated and encouraged to complete items by May for a chance at a special prize. 

Show & Tell Theme: UFO Challenge item(s)
February 20, 2025
Global Mending Traditions and 
Visible Mending Demonstration
Jessy Gregg
Seams Sewing & Mercantile (East Lansing)        

Kits available for purchase $9, including a premium needle, economy needle, Sashiko thread, and linen fabric.

Show & Tell Theme: Sampler Quilts
March 20, 2025
UGLY Quilt Competition
Let the showdown begin! Our annual competition where we can share the best of our worst always promises to bring a laughter filled good time. The uglier, the better!

Show & Tell Theme: Green quilts and Ugly Quilts
April 17, 2025
Show & Tell Theme: Children’s Quilt
May 15, 2025
Show & Tell Theme: UFO Challenge
June 19, 2025
Show & Tell Theme: Garden Quilts